Nardine is Annies proud new owner! They are learning to get to know each other and Annie is currently in training.
Kelly was adopted in January 2010 by Laura. She has lovingly brought Kelly back to full health with lots of love, attention and expense! They are now enjoying hunter/jumper show career!
Owner of barn has adopted Domino and turned him into a hunter/jumper instead of a crazy fast barrel racer. Domino is really enjoying his slow paced, stress free life.
Autumn is 14 yr old Thoroughbred mare that was rescued from Lake County Animal Control. She is owned by Loran, the barn manager.
Jet is a Tennessee Walker that came to us from Lake County Animal Control. He was adopted by Derek and enjoys being spoiled on a daily basis!
Chip is a 15 year old Quarterhorse. He is a survivor with a major bout with Colic. He is owned by barn manager, Loran.
Thanks to The Chronicle of the Horse for posting this article. DreamCatcher Horse Ranch To host EggStravaganza And Silent Auction In South Lake On Sunday, April 1, DreamCatcher Horse Ranch and Rescue Center will be hosting a family friendly free event. The Eggstravanza and Silent Auction serves as an annual fundraiser for DreamCatcher, but also […]
We can’t thank Renee and Christina enough for kindly donating $1000 to our rescue to help us in our quest ! Renee does many hours of volunteer work and through that work was able to apply for and obtain this wonderful donation -she chose us to receive this donation because she believes in what we […]